
Facts Regarding the CuMo Project Exploration

20 02

Co-authored by Shaun Dykes, President & CEO and Noelle Laury, VP Corporate Communication & Public Relations, Idaho CuMo Mining Corporation In 2011, Senator Lisa Murkowski of Alaska requested the Secretaries of Interior and Agriculture provide information regarding hardrock mines and beneficiation plans of operation approved by...

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CuMo Hosts Community Information Meetings Regarding USFS Assessment

10 01

USFS Public Comment Period on SREA Concludes on January 22, 2019 Idaho CuMo Mining Corporation (ICMC) will host community meetings regarding the recently released Supplemental Redline Environmental Assessment (SREA) prepared by the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) addressing changed conditions in the CuMo Project exploration area. The...

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Congressional Western Caucus

01 05

In response to the Trump Administration’s Executive Order directing the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of Defense to update the U.S. Critical Minerals List, 30 members of Congressional Western Caucus (CWC) are urging that several minerals be included before finalizing the list. Molybdenum,...

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Time for USGS to add Molybdenum to the Critical Minerals List

28 02

Co-authored by Shaun Dykes, President & CEO and Lisa Anderson, Vice President of Government Relations of Idaho CuMo Mining Corporation President Trump’s Presidential Executive Order on a Federal Strategy to Ensure Secure and Reliable Supplies of Critical Minerals signed on December 20, 2017, mandates the Secretary...

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Environmentalist Agenda: Friend or Foe to the Environment

27 12

Co-authored by Shaun Dykes, President & CEO at Idaho CuMo Mining Corporation (ICMC) and Phil Bandy, Executive Vice President of Operations, ICMC. “Not in my backyard” has become the customary response of anti-development environmental groups, especially to natural resource extraction projects. These groups selectively oppose projects...

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